The end of the year is drawing nearer and nearer, you guys! Can you believe it? I can remember sitting in front of my laptop and making a status about how the year 2011 is going to change my life. Has it? Yes, it definitely has. From moving out of my parents' house to a city 9 hours away, studying nursing and giving shots and doing some not so preferred dirty work, getting engaged only for him to have to leave to another country for a very long time. Not loving him any less for it. Coming very close to death and realizing that I'm truly not alone in this world - I can keep going forever but I won't! Promise! I just want to say that I am so incredibly grateful for everyone in my life, including you guys who have supported me and my silly blog rants for however long this thing has been up. I want to leave this post with a wonderful quote that I got from a Disney movie: (don't worry, it's actually very good.)
"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney
So guys, let's open up new doors and follow curious paths! 2012, here we come.
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